Barbara Archduchess Austria
Birth date:
30 APR 1539
Birth place:
Wien, Wien, Vienna, Austria
Death date:
  19 SEP 1572
Death place:
  Hall, Tirol, , Austria

Austria Family

Father: Ferdinand I 'King of Austria' 'Holy Roman Emperor' Habsburg
Mother: Anna Queen of Bohemia & Hungary Jagiello
Balthaser Rittenhausen
Elisabeth Archduchess of Austria
Elizabeth Habsburg
Maximilian II Emperor the Holy Roman Empire
Anna Archduchess of Austria
Ferdinand Archduke Austria
Marie Archduchess of Austria VonHabsburg
Magdalene Archduchess of Austria
Katharine Archduchess of Austria
Eleanor of Austria
Margarethe Archduchess of Austria
Johann Archduke of Austria
Barbara Archduchess Austria
Charles II Archduke of Austria Habsburg
Ursule Archduchess of Austria
Johanne Archduchess of Austria