Family Names

Looking for family names, or genealogical connections? Genealogy doesn't have to be a slow process OR a boring one. Today, in fact, technology can do most of the work for you. With Internet access and increased database technology, you can give your family search a jump start and see those frustrating 'genealogical gaps' on your family tree chart fill up with real family names and information.

A Family Names Database
OneGreatFamily provides access to one of the largest genealogical databases in the world. The OneGreatFamily database currently contains millions of names, which are protected by OneGreatFamily and have been contributed by OneGreatFamily members from more than 80 countries. The database is multimedia friendly and allows you to add and share family names, dates, pictures, biographies, and video clips.

Meet and Collaborate
The OneGreatFamily database is designed to grow indefinitely. It is a worldwide database which means that many of the family names and descendants that you are looking for, may already be researched and recorded on the family trees of other OneGreatFamily members. Their information is located in the OneGreatFamily database and allows you the opportunity to meet and collaborate with others.

See Your Entire Pedigree Chart
With OneGreatFamily, your family genealogy will rise to an entirely new level. OneGreatFamily allows you to see your entire pedigree chart at once, and makes editing easy with the zoom-in, zoom-out feature. OneGreatFamily will also send you continual updates via email regarding new information, which other OneGreatFamily members have entered into the OneGreatFamily database.

Ancestor Search

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Advanced Search
See what information we have in our database of over 190 million unique entries. Browse Alphabetically
  • Photos
  • Biographies
  • Histories
  • Country Origin
  • Alternate Spellings
  • Number of Generations
“...One person can't possibly do all of the work alone. They need help to speed up the work...The only way to do this is with your wonderful service...”
—Jeff Bagley
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